Great Chipping with At Home Practice

During the winter months while you are stuck inside, there is a way you can work on your short game. Every person can do this to work on your chipping inside your home. Here’s a great tip to work on your chipping.

Tip #1:

Starting off, don’t use a ball or any technology, just your club. We are going to start off with an alignment stick or some type of stick that you can use in place of it. I am going to take it underneath the grip of my club and I am going to hold the stick and my club together at the same time. When I set up, the end of the stick is out ahead of me. I am going to make my chipping stroke and practice making that stroke without allowing the stick to hit me in the side. We call this the punisher drill. You can do this without a ball and without a hitting net and you will see a dramatic improvement in your impact position in your chip shots. The trick with the punisher drill is to keep your weight in your front side throughout the swing to avoid having that stick hit you in the side at impact.

Tip #2:

This tip is going to require the use of some technology and some equipment. We are going to use a ball in this drill. You can use a foam ball which will allow you to avoid the use of a net. However, if you have the ability to use the Net Return and real golf balls, I highly recommend it. It will last you a long time. You can also download the PerfectMotion App. You can get the first two weeks free on the app and after that it is $6 per month. Under the PerfectMotion app, you do an evaluation session for chipping with no ball. I will also check mark video snapshots and start at Skill Level 1. Hit start session. You can choose 5 or 10 swings to capture but for the purposes of this video, I chose 5 swings to capture. Also keep in mind when using the app, especially if you aren’t using a ball that the app recognizes the completion of your swing based on your head position, so make sure you follow the ball the same way you would if you were hitting a real shot. On purpose for the video, I created a swing flaw and I was trying to move away from the ball at impact. You can look at each one of your motion maps to see what your motion is doing during the swing and look at the comparison to the motion map of a tour pro. So now I am moving into working with a ball and I have changed the skill level to 3. You will be able to look at the snapshots of your actual shot to analyze anything you think you might be able to do better. This is a way for you to have some really productive practice and really focused practice sessions especially if you are having to work on your game inside.