Hackmotion is a little easier to use attached to a glove.
When I first received the Hackmotion, I tried to do an instructional video without really getting familiar with the device. And it was really tough.
Now, I use it with a vast majority of my students and I love it. It’s an incredibly helpful tool. I wanted to make this blog and video because I think this might be helpful for anyone who has the device or is thinking about getting it.
1. Download the Hackmotion App.
Calibration is super easy.
2. You will need to calibrate it every time you use it.
3. You will usually only have to flex and extend your wrist to calibrate but the guide will explain that to you specifically and easily.
4. Now you’re ready to use the device
The two sensors on the Hackmotion device will communicate with eachother to give a reading on how much flexion or extension are in your lead wrist at address, the top of the backswing, and impact position. Through research on tour players, Hackmotion has a formula for where your wrist should be at the top of the backswing and impact based on your lead wrist angle at the address position. So for example when we did this club face control drill with Lauren, she had 31 degrees of extension in her lead wrist at address. As she starts to take her club back, at the top of her backswing, you can see that she has 58 degrees of extension in her lead wrist. Based on the numbers at address, she has too much extension at the top.
It’s always easier to think about making these changes but it’s always harder to implement them. This is why it’s really important to have a feedback device and Hackmotion has that built in to the app.
When you enable audio feedback, you can choose whether you do the audio feedback at the top of the backswing or impact. Since we were working on the top of Lauren’s backswing, we chose that. The feedback tells you when you are in the correct position by singing to you. So when you use this, you can take a few slow practice swings to try to get the device to sing to you at the top of your backswing.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that this is not a cookie cutter solution that works for every single person. Hackmotion will determine what you should be working on based on your address position.
So here’s an interesting question that Lauren brought up…
If my impact position is fine, why should I worry about the top of my backswing?
The short answer to that is that you want consistency. If you have a closed or open club face at the top of your backswing and you are finding a way to get the club face square at impact, it’s not going to be consistent.
Getting a sense of your club face at the top of the backswing can really help you make more consistent, crisp, clean, shots.